Stunt Granny Audio Presents – OHPA 169 – Pandemic Update, Karen & Ken/Kevin and Star Wars rumors

Kevin DiFrango/ Stunt Granny LTD

Ken & Kevin are back to talk about the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s taken over our lives and our podcast. Why has there recently been a push back on wearing masks in public spaces? Kevin spends no more than an hour in such spaces during a normal week. Kevin doesn’t want to be hospitalized because someone coughs on him. Ken is concerned about possible long term effects. People seem lost on these concepts for reasons your hosts can’t grasp. Why did Karen flip out about having to wear a mask? Ken & Kevin aren’t feeling good about being the male counterpart to Karens. Doomcock said that the newest Star Wars trilogy will be taken out of the Star Wars canon. Your hosts know this is incorrect. Ken & Kevin make their pitches for the next Star Wars trilogy to Disney.

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