Explaining Hornswoggle vs. El Torito to the non-WWE fan

WWE El Torito vs Hornswoggle
WWE El Torito vs Hornswoggle

Pictured L to R: What the. Hell.

I was just challenged by a friend and a non-wrestling fan to explain “what the hell is going on here.” This was my attempt. Good enough?

Eight years ago, hardcore Irish wrestler Fit Finlay started getting a push in WWE. So to temper his popularity (as they tend to do), WWE paired him with a midget to play “his leprechaun.” (Just this month, that midget was cast in “Leprechaun: Origins” so it’s coming full circle.) His name is Hornswoggle. (Of course it is.) Finlay has since retired to become a venerable resource backstage.
About a year ago, WWE chose to repackage a couple of Puerto Ricans as matadors. So they hired another midget and put him in a bull costume. (Of course they did.) His name is El Torito. Both midgets are good wrestlers.
WWE had two wayward undercard guys named Health Slater (the “One-Man Rock Band”) and Titus O’Neil (a charismatic black dude who played at the University of Florida) that they chose to team up. They were given the name Slater Gator. (Of course they were.)
Hornswoggle had nothing else going on, so to balance the two-and-a-half Puerto Rican bullfighters, they teamed Horny with Slater Gator. That screencap is your outcome. (Of course it is.)
Let me know if I nailed it. -Eric
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