Stunt Granny Audio 963 – NXT’s Champion Problem, Blood & Guts and The Learning Tree

With Chris coming off bar time before the show, him & Kevin talked beer to start the show. Since there was no major news this week, they started by breaking down NXT this week. Because of how weird the segment with Roxanne Perez was, they talk about the champion problems. Since Cody Rhodes showed up, they wondered why he interacted with heels like Jacy Jayne and his old AEW crew. Wendy Choo got a reboot on her character, so Chris & Kevin gave their early thoughts on it. Next up on the show was AEW talk, which was mostly positive. Even though your hosts still see Swerve Strickland losing his championship, they pushed him as the captain for Blood & Guts against the Young Bucks. Chris & Kevin discuss the fantastic brawl with Rush and MJF. To close the show, they talk about Chris Jericho. Last week might have been funny, but not so much this week.

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