Stunt Granny Lunch Conversation: Jeremy & Kevin, May 31, 2011

Jeremy: I enjoyed the show more than you I think.
Kevin: Aside from the ending. Wow, Twitter rant!
Jeremy: I need the time to write out my exact thoughts but that was a perfectly fine wrestling show. As soon as Cena comes up and boom goes the dynamite. More gimmick shit to cover the fact he can’t work.
Kevin: I still have no idea what you’re talking about. How is R-Truth resting on the outside Cena’s fault?
Jeremy: What was Cena’s last match? That shitty gimmick match with Miz. Before that? another clunker with Miz at WrestleMania. there was one in the middle. It is just one bad match after another. You can’t blame the dance partner when there is one constant.
Kevin: I can’t argue with the Miz examples but I don’t think last night can be used. Lots of gimmick stuff in there to get R Truth’s new persona over
Jeremy: But man, it is another gimmickfest that stunk the joint out and Cena is involved yet again. They could have had an actual contest and had truth still do same thing. Also that heavy handed crap with the dad at the end was good until Cena started patting the guy on the head like a dog.
Jeremy: Wait.
Jeremy: I am supporting R-Truth? Kill me now. I am done.
Kevin: Easy to support R-Truth but he isn’t exactly a wizard in the ring either.
Jeremy: Oh god no. In no way is their match going to be good. He got by at the beginning of TNA on his vocals not the in ring part.  Good to know you can shut a PPV off at 10:35 and not miss anything though.
Kevin: That’s going to be viewing for my own amusement, train wreck style
Jeremy: As long as they put The Bellas on first it will be fine. Another god damn waster.
Kevin: At least they got something to make people care about them this week. You sound more down on the show than me already. I need to re-read my column.
Jeremy: Those are my only complaints. I have hated the Bellas for a while though.
Kevin: So, you still hate them?  Or weren’t you on board with last night?
Jeremy: As soon as I saw them come out it hit me that they are using them to replace Laycool. As bad as Laycool was, The Bellas are way worse.
Kevin: Not possible, except neither of them is a good looking as either McCool or Layla.
Jeremy: It’s like they are pretending to be Laycool but they come off as nerd kids play fighting.
Kevin: Everyone in the women’s division comes off that way because they’ve taken a dump on them for 2 straight years, at least.
Jeremy: Maryse is ok, Eve got better. Natalya is one of the bad ones
Kevin: Kelly Kelly got better too but she depends on movement in her matches to cover up for her lack of strength.
Jeremy: Yeah using her hair especially.
Kevin: And again, you’re going bananas about last night and I still can’t remember what I said negative about the show.
Jeremy: Think I liked Dolph/Kofi better.
Kevin: Wow, one match that wasn’t nearly a major angle like the Bellas or Cena/Truth. And it was probably because Dolph’s hair is dyed.
Jeremy: Kofi is sloppy but for some reason it worked last night. The action seemed genuine.
Kevin Difrango: I was getting into the post commercial break until that botched sequence. Match was good for the 2nd half, Outside of that part. I blew the Punk/Rey match.
Jeremy: Yeah those guys need to go again for longer. No stips other than one guy beating the other but that is a fanboy thing.
Kevin: I liked the Kharma segment.
Jeremy: Yes I enjoyed it very much. At first I was a little worried then she killed. She was on point, her voice is stronger than I expected, she still looked like a badass by the end as well as building anticipation for the next go around, which I hope happens.
Kevin: Yeah, they’d be dumb not to keep her even if she killed a massive push. And they’d have time to make the women’s division respectable while she’s gone.
Jeremy: Key issue is making the divas respectable. Eve would be fine; she has a nice muscular build that makes her look a threat. Beth of course. Tamina I suppose.
Kevin: That’s why I noted the women’s division getting a minor push this week. Not sure the last time they got 2 segments on Raw. Those 3 are the logical size-wise opponents for Kharma. Along with Twin Magic since it’s 2 of them.
Jeremy: Yeah and if they bump like crazy for her it would work.
Kevin: I still don’t have a lot of faith in them.
Jeremy: Nor should you/we.

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