PWO – Season 3 – Episode 21
They recapped the match between N8 Mattson and Jason Bane from last week.
“Amazing” N8 Mattson came to the ring with Ben Fruth & Benjamin Boone for his TV Title defense scheduled against Michael “The Bomber” Facade. The announcers mentioned the matches for Boone & Fruth later tonight. Dombrowski said that Matthew Justice had been suspended and “Omega” Aaron Draven was injured. Dombrowski said that Gregory Iron was still injured after his mystery attacker struck. He is supposed to rest for another couple of weeks. The filled time during a very slow start to the match. Facade locked in an arm bar. Facade got a two count after a standing moonsault. Mattson hit a jaw jacker to change the momentum. Fruth & Boone entered the ring and grabbed Facade. the referee kicked Fruth & Boone from ring side. A sunset flip for Facade garnered a two count. Facade hit a spring-board drop kick. Mattson caught Facade going for a spring-board to the outside. Mattson beat him around the ringside area. Mattson tried to get a couple of cheap pins that the referee noticed. Mattson missed a corner splash. Facade recovered first and got the upper hand with punches. Facade got a two count after a spinning heel kick. Facade hit a nice looking fisherman’s suplex. Shima Xion came down to ringside which distracted Facade enough to miss a top rope moonsault. Mattson hit the “Big Blue Buster” aka Code Breaker for the victory.
Analysis: They did a good job with the match, filling in story lines because the announcers had mentioned Shima Xion early in the contest. Mattson gets the victory to keep “Michigan” rolling and Facade looks dopey but doesn’t look terrible for losing. Score: +2.
Joe Dombrowski yelled that they needed a camera in the back. Nicky Valentino woke up Bobby Shields. Shields said he was hit from behind so he didn’t see a thing. Analysis: He’s the only one so far to survive unscathed relatively. Score: +1.
Marshal “The Bull” Gambino came to the ring to take on Ben Fruth. Dombrowski wondered why Mattson would be this evil to Fruth. Fruth carried “Where is Mike Tolar?” flyer to the ring. Fruth asked Gambino if he knew where Tolar was. Gambino slapped Fruth. Gambino threw a big right hand. Fruth tried to fight back but Gambino was unphased. Gambino gave Fruth the big chop into Fruth’s bare chest. Marshall side walk slammed Fruth. Fruth roll up garnered a two count. Gambino hit a swinging rock bottom for the win.
Analysis: It was what it was supposed to be. Squash match. Score: +1.
Brian Bender said that he was glad he got a moment to clear his mind. Earnie Ballz came into the picture. He said that he couldn’t have Bender’s back because he was injured at the time. The only reason Ballz was injured in the first place was because the Puerto Rican Wrecking Crew jumped him and Bender was nowhere to be seen. Ballz said he’d make a match with a wrestler of Ballz’ choosing. Bender agreed to the match.
Analysis: Just a really weird promo and both of them screwed up lines. It was strange because even though they won the Tag Titles at the end of their run, they were a joke for the division so fighting over who is better is like a sissy slap fight. Score: -1.
Brian Bender came to the ring and was surprised to see that Krimson was his opponent. Maguire said that Krimson was more evil than him. Krimson hit a big clothesline. Gregory Iron has commandeered a camera and was searching out Johnny Gargano in the back according to Dombrowski. Bender started to turn things around. Bender whipped Krimson into the ring side barrier. Krimson hit some knees to the stomach. Bender countered Krimson’s suplex attempt. Bender threw Krimson back in the ring. Bender only got a one count after a hard slam. Krimson turned things around. Krimson hit a clothesline from behind. Bender got in more hard punches and a shoulder block. Bender attempted a pile drier but couldn’t get it. Krimson gave Bender a low drop kick. Bender hit a urinogi but couldn’t pin Krimson. Bender hit a side suplex. Bender charged into the corner and was dodged. Krimson hit “The Witches Wheel” aka Roll of the Dice for the duke which was his first official win. He whispered something in Bender’s ear as he slid out of the ring.
Analysis: Good power against power match. Krimson earning his first real win will help develop his character. Bender looked really strong for possibly the first time since I started watching PWO. Score: +1.
They replayed Hobo Joe finding Gregory Iron laid out last week. Iron said he had something to say to Gargano that he wanted the whole world to know. Gargano looked like he was getting ready for a match. Iron accused Gargano of attacking him. Gargano said he didn’t know what he was talking about. Gargano said it looks suspicious but he didn’t do it. Iron accused him of doing it again. Gargano couldn’t believe they were back this. Iron slapped Gargano who never lost his cool. Iron was taken away by security as he continued to yell at Gargano.
Analysis: A really good segment that should have backed Gargano’s words. If he had done it, he might not have been so calm about the slapping and pushing Iron did to him, in my humble opinion. Score: +1.
Benjamin Boone with N8 Mattson took on “M-Dogg 20” Matt Cross in the other semifinal of the tounament of the number on conterdership to the PWO Heavyweight Title. Dombrowski mentioned that Cross hasn’t had the chance to get a proper rematch against Gargano for the PWO Heavyweight Title. Maguire noted that Bejamin Boone has been undefeated since he joined with Mattson. Cross kicked away at Boone’s legs. Boone missed a charge into the corner. Cross hit a nice looking top rope cross body. Mattson pulled a beat up Boone out of the ring. Cross suicide dove onto both of them. Cross hit a thrust kick then a standing moonsault for only a two count. Maguire said that “M-Dogg” still has the taste of gold in his mouth. Dombrowski announced that the main event next week is the finals of this tournament. Cross went for a top rope moonsault but Boone got his knees up. Boone threw Cross face first into the ropes then forearmed him in the back. Boone palm thrusted Cross in the temple. Cross got tossed outside the ring. Mattson worked him over while Boone distracted the referee. Boone locked in a camel clutch without hooking the arms. Cross hit a jaw jacker then a tornado DDT. A standing shooting star only got a two count for Cross. Cross hit a bicycle kick but Boone rolled out of the ring. As Mattson held up Boone & Cross talked to the ref, Jason Bane came down and “Banelined” Boone for costing him his tournament match last week. The referee counted Boone out. Mattson tried to hit Cross with the TV Title belt but missed. Cross laid in some forearms and then Mattson retreated.
Analysis: Good match, with a logical interference angle at the end. Boone has improved a lot in the ring so long as they don’t let him use that stupid “Bear Claw”. Cross always delivers in the ring. Score: +1.
Final Score: 6/7 . Final Analysis: A much better showing after the previous week’s episode. The announcers didn’t talk over the matches as much with backgfround stories so that was a nice change. The tournament is coming to a close so that was an easy hype for next week’s episode. All of the matches were good. I’m finally interested in Brian Bender after watching him for 2 1/2 years so they are doing something right.
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