Introducing the Stunt Granny Hall of Fame!
This day marks the second anniversary of the start up of ye olde Stunt Granny. To celebrate such a momentous occasion, I am pleased to announce the official Stunt Granny Hall of Fame opens today! There will be four official wings therein:
Serious wrestlers: This wing celebrates the lineage that dates back to Frank Gotch and George Hackenschmidt. We’re talking about good workers, high flyers, brawlers, whatever. Serious money drawing, money making talent.
Fun wrestlers: We here at Stunt Granny are big fans of comedy in wrestling, as long as it is done right. For example, a fat white man dancing poorly while claiming to be from deepest, darkest Africa will beat a midget transvestite any day of the week.
Angles: We’re talking about memorable, money drawing angles that inspired you to buy the next PPV, go to the next show in your area, watch the next television show on your favorite cable network, etc. Abortions and miscarriages need not apply.
Matches: We at Stunt Granny don’t give two scoops of Kellogg’s Raisin Fuck if a match was four stars or only three and a quarter stars or whatever. We just know what we like to watch. These are the matches we wear out our Beta, VHS and DVD players to.
Each one of the five of us – me, Jeremy Maes, Eric Nelson, Kevin DiFrango, Jordan Smith – nominated five people or things per category. And then we voted on them. A nominee needed three or more “yes” votes in order to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. What follows will be four separate posts, one for each wing, listing the first annual inductees into each wing of the Hall. Before I get to that, I’d like to remind you that the Stunt Granny Hall of Fame is brought to you by Red Baron frozen pizza, which just so happens to be the best frozen pizza that could possibly happen. Perhaps you should enjoy a slice today, while reading about the inductees. – Dusty
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