Covering Pro Wrestling Ohio
I started covering Pro Wrestling Ohio for the Pro Wrestling Torch a couple of months back with the latest installment stopping an one episode before the big Wrestlelution show August 3rd. I want to put up the last step before Wrestleltion on Stunt Granny before the new episodes start airing this Sunday, the 24th of August, on Sports Time Ohio. I will soon be ordering Wrestlelution and will review it when I get adequate time. I will be posting my thoughts on the show which airs every other week. Now, on to the review of “The Road To Wrestlelution – Part IIi” which aired the 20th of July, 2008.
Josh Prohibition and Ashley Lane issued a challenge for a mixed tag match. Marion Fontaine came out with Macho Grosh, who was his missing in action manager. Grosh was dressed in a tie dyed belly shirt and striped wrestling tights. Grosh said he met an intelligent, pretty woman who would tag with Fontaine. “Honey Baby” was introduced but it was Jimmy DeMarco dressed in drag. The announcers, Joe Dombrowski and Jamie Scott, pointed out that Grosh was the only one fooled by DeMarco. Prohibition told them they were in a wrestling ring and not a tranny bar. Fontaine and DeMarco started the match with tandem offense. Prohibition and Fontaine ended up wrestling. Scott did a good job of continuing to call DeMarco “Honey Baby” in a tongue in cheek manner. Dombrowski said that Ashley Lane will have a match at Wretlelution. Prohibition got the upper hand on Fontaine, he tagged in Lane. She had a short spurt of offense then tagged Prohibition back in. Dombrowski mentioned that Michael Hutter will be part of the ten man elimination match. Lane got back into the match and executed some solid offense. Prohibition continued the beat down. DeMarco hit Fontaine with his purse when he was going for the hot tag. Prohibition hit the “Drunken Driver”, a double underhook driver, and tagged in Lane to get the pin. After Fontaine recovered, he pulled off DeMarco’s wig and Grosh looked heart broken. Fontaine then challenged DeMarco to a match at Wrestlelution and wanted DeMarco to pick the stipulation. DeMarco said it will be a “Kiss My Butt” match.
Analysis: The beginning had me laughing pretty hard as Prohibition did a good job on the mic and Scott added to the comedy from the announce booth. Prohibition dominated the action in the ring which is the right thing to do with him challenging for the PWO Heavyweight Title. The chaos helped to set up a curtain jerker match for Wrestlelution. I don’t understand the thinking in letting your opponent choose the stipulation though. Fontaine’s anger was tepid but a much more appropriate response than his sulking and do nothing attitude from the previous episode.
Mike Tolar was in the ring and talked about Greg “The Hammer” Valentine’s credentials. Tolar said that Valentine is the past and he was the future of profressional wrestling. Chris LeRussa was his opponent. We were told he had an extensive background in the martial arts. They played up the amateur wrestler versus martial artist aspect of the match. Dombrowski said that the PWO will be airing highlights of Wrestlelution in the coming weeks on the show. LeRussa got the upper hand first. Tolar took over when LeRussa missed a kick and hit the ring post. Tolar started working on the injured leg. Dombrowksi played up Tolar working on the leg like Greg Valentine. LeRussa hit a Code Breaker and clothelines. LeRussa got speared attempting a hand spring elbow. Tolar applied a figure four leg lock for the tap out victory.
Analysis: It was a good shift in tone from Tolar who cowered at hearing Valentine’s name last week. LeRussa was solid in the ring and I’d like to see more of him.
Gargano had a pretaped promo. He insulted GRegory Iron for being dumb enough to challenge him to a “Last Man Standing” match. He said that he is excellent and Iron is mediocre. Gargano vowed to keep Iron out of professional wrestling for good after Wrestlelution.
Analysis: Gargano had decent fire but it didn’t seem genuine.
Matthew Justice & “Bloody” Morty Rackem were set to take on “The Clash”, Brian Bender and Earnie Ballz. Four way action started the match. Justice and Ballz stayed in the ring to fight. Bender tagged in when more four way action broke out. Rackem and Justice won with a splash and leg drop combination. Justice got on the microphone and said that the ladder match will determine the new PWO Tag Team Champions.
Analysis: It’s a good idea to have tag team champions especially with the crowning of a PWO Heavyweight Champion. Justice and Rackem winning in a squash helped to keep them looking good. Another loss for “The Clash” emphasizes how much the “Team Clash” versus “Team Hobo Joe” is just a way to get the remainder of the PWO’s wretlers on the card for Wrestlelution.
In a pretaped promo, Gregory Iron said that it may be his final match but he has to take Gargano out. He played up earning his position while Gargano has been blessed with good looks and talent. He talked about beating Gargano already and that is where Gargano’s insecurity comes from. Iron promised to take all of his rage out on Gargano.
Analysis: Iron had great tone and a good message in his promo.
The main event was the contract signing between Cronus and Jason Bane. Maguire asked Bane if he wanted to back out of the match. Cronus and Maguire signed the contract. Bane got the microphone and said he would shut up the biggest loud mouth in the PWO. He promised to use all five minutes against Maguire even if he doesn’t need it. Bane then signed the contract. Maguire then slapped Bane then Bane cornered Maguire. Bane and Cronus brawled for a bit until the locker room emptied and held them back. Bane hit a suicide dive onto Cronus and the crowd. Cronus and Bane brawled as the show came to an end.
Analysis: Joe Dombrowski must have went to the Mike Tenay school of announcing because he kept interjecting meaningless comments during the bickering between Maguire and Bane. I would have prefered that they held off on the brawl since this feud has been built up over a couple of months with no action between the two. The action did look even steven though so it didn’t indicate who would win at Wrestlelution. – Kevin
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