Kelly Kelly might pose for Playboy… I’ll be back in 20 minutes

Sweet christ. has a quote from Maria in the UK Sun, saying she’s heard a rumor that Kelly Kelly might be the next WWE diva to pose for Playboy. Let me repeat that:

Oh my god, it got better the second time. I'm 'bout to beat my dick like it owes me money.
Yeah, I meant I was going to repeat the picture. Kelly Kelly is the cutest, prettiest, hottest, most attractive, whatever you want to term it woman on the WWE roster. I mean, she is absolutely phenomenal in each and every way. And she’s dating that mongoloid Test. I am completely baffled by that — just because you have a horse face doesn’t mean you have a horse cock — but I’m sure my dumbfoundedness will go away with every Playboy-aided squirt. -Eric
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