Matt Hardy is no Batista, or CM Punk, or…

Yeah, drive that go-kart in your camo hat. Maybe hang up a black-light poster of a mushroom in your apartment, class the joint up a little bit. put up a blurb from Matt Hardy’s MySpace account, regarding rumors that he’s dating Katie Lea Burchill. Here’s a snippet:
To answer your question, no, I’m not. I’m totally single right now because nobody wants me.
You whiny pussy, keep running to the Internet to be a whiny pussy. Matt Hardy is the guy who used to date Lita, and then followed her up with Ashley. He has a reputation — not like that of CM Punk, who Colt Cabana originally thought of as the dirty punk kid who got all the hot chicks, and not like that of Batista, whom Ric Flair said he’d been living vicariously through during his latest marriage — of railing the skankiest chicks wrestling has had to offer in the last 10 years. I almost said “outside of ECW,” but that’s where Lita got her start in this country. But I’m sure Matt Hardy could describe Nicole Bass’ penis, too, if he were hooked up to a lie detector. Maybe he oughta consider going to the free clinic and picking up the first chick who leaves with a smile on her face. -Eric
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