The Unkindest Cut Of Them All

He's going to have to buy a ticket to see this year's show.

Happier times for Baldcore: He's going to have to buy a ticket to see this year's show.

Resident Stunt Granny whipping boy Hardcore Holly has just been released (according to and I’m not going to lie. I am ecstatic. This is one of the best days of my life.

I don’t know what I hate most about ol’ Hardcore. The fact that he takes out his shortcomings on young wrestlers who have a legitimate chance of the stardom he could never achieve? The fact that he milked the same gimmick for over ten years without putting one ounce of actual inspiration or innovation into his work? The fact that he reminded me of the Soup Nazi in every negative way possible?

It doesn’t even matter now. What matters is that he’s gone. He can go run his jokester wrestling school and have no idea what the score is on his own dime now. I love it.

Precious and none are the moments we two have shared. – Dusty

3 Responses to “The Unkindest Cut Of Them All”

  1. Fanatic 2009-01-16 at 11:28 pm #

    At least he’ll have time to qualify for the Daytona 500 in less than a month:

    I favorite Holly memory was back about 5 years ago when him and Billy Gunn were a make-shift tag team (aka they both sucked so they were put together). I attended a WWE houseshow in Madison and brought a sign reading “Hardcore Assmen”. When they got in the ring the ref pointed my sign out to Holly who immediately got a pissed look on his face and had some words about my sign. F*ck Bob Holly.

  2. stuntgranny 2009-01-16 at 11:44 pm #

    That’s the best fucking thing I’ve ever heard.

  3. Kirk 2009-01-17 at 3:55 am #

    The inauguration is officially the second most momentous event of January ’09.

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