Haha, you suck, Mr. Kennedy

Looked like this wrist from my vantage point.
Yeah, I ripped that headline style off from What Would Tyler Durden Do, but it’s true. I thought I saw it happen, but Jason Powell at Prowrestling.net confirmed it: Mr. Kennedy injured his wrist during his return match on Raw last night, a 10-man tag featuring many wrestlers much higher on the card (and deservedly so, at this point) than Mr. “One of These Things is Not Like the Other” Kennedy.
Mr. Kennedy suffered a wrist injury during the 10-man tag match on Monday’s Raw. He rolled out of the ring after taking an RKO from Randy Orton and then clutched his wrist in pain. He winced when Jerry Lawler touched his wrist at ringside.
And here I was secretly (openly, on the PWTorch.com VIP Forum) hoping the tennis-shoed Batista would injure himself last night. I mean, that’s what big oafs do in multiple-man tags on Raw. But I’m not least damn bit surprised this dolt Kennedy hurt himself. He truly is the Ahmed Johnson of the post-Attitude era. -Eric
Video update: Not good quality, but check it out while it lasts. Happens late in the 3:30 clip.
The injury happens at about 1:59 in the clip.
What a maroon. Maybe he can form a tag team with Mathew Hardy?
So did you guys hurt your wrists as well? Because I ain’t seen no fookin audio in 8 days!
Guess you guys got your wish because Mr Kennedy just been fired ………fired.