Steve Keirn is a smart guy
According to a bunch of different places, including our friends at, but I’m going to quote this piece from the Wrestling Globe Newsletter since it sums everything up so well:
A beyond belief story on WWE developmental from Bill Behrens. Jim Mitchell (James Vandenberg), who is an awesome talent known mostly for his work as a manager in ECW, WCW and TNA, recently sent an email to FCW to enquire about a try out with the hopes of getting a job with WWE. Steve Keirn wrote him back with the response, “tryout May 1 at FCW.” Mitchell wrote back asking for more details to which Keirn replied again, “you are trying out for WWE what else?” 5/1 came around and Mitchell traveled to Tampa for his try out. He was pretty much ignored when he arrived and when he asked Keirn about his try out he was told he would need to fill in some forms and pay $1000. Keirn then pretty much blew him off and said the try outs for managers ended in January. At press time we couldn’t reach Mitchell or Keirn for comment.
This just goes back to what I’ve been saying on recent audios about the stunning disconnect between the people who run WWE and reality and common sense. By no means is James Mitchell a household name, but he should be known to most anyone who works in the wrestling business. If I was running WWE and heard about this story, Steve Keirn would be fired.
On a side note, I’ve long said that Mitchell would be exactly what is needed to spruce up Kane’s character. If you think Kane is going to retire soon and/or doesn’t deserve the sprucing up, any monster-type would be fine to put Mitchell with. God knows Monday Night Raw could use something, anything to make it more interesting. – Dusty
Has James Mitchell ever worn a top hat, suspenders and told out all over Looziana? Has James Mitchell ever came to the ring with Tabacki dripping from his chin in a match second from the top at WM8 and jobbed to Owen Hart in 1 minute?
What the f*ck has James Mitchell ever done is wrestling besides manage Wrath, MOrtis, Abyss, Judas Mesias, and set himself on fire in ECW during it’s dying days?
Seriously though, I like the guy in the role of a creepy evil guy. Sign him and pair him with the “Appalacian Sensation” , Mike Knox.
Father Mitchell should had know better. There’s are no managers in WWE or TNA anymore. Hell, ROH lost the sheer awesomeness of Larry Sweeney. Just stick to working the nostalgia circuit and do a couple of shoot dvds. Kayfabe Commentaries are always looking for new talent.
If you compare what Skinner has done with FCW with what Cornette and Danny Davis did in OVW, it goes to show just how much WWE and Johnny Ace have no idea what they’re doing with developmental. Idiots all.
Perfectly summed up Dusty.