The Art of Wrestling – Father’s Day Part II
If you didn’t catch Part I, scroll down. I’ll pick up where I left off with the Edge Father’s Day Package. The “Sex & Violence” baseball hat is a good example of asymmetrical design. As I pointed out yesterday, the WWE uses block lettering for “Edge” and for the “R” in Rated R but uses Gothic lettering for the remainder. They keep the colors simple by only using black, white and red which is a great combination. The white paint spatter on the front of the hat gives it a Jackson Pollock feel. The spatter would help balance out the design more if it was on the other side of the hat. It does help to pop the red lettering which is light enough to distinguish itself from the black already. I wish the “V” in Violence wouldn’t stray onto the bill because you can’t quite make out the wording then. There is some type of graphic on the side of the hat with the print and spatter but one can’t make it out in any of the pictures. The back is really simple with “Edge” on the adjustable strap and the Rated R Superstar stamp above the opening. The rear could have used a little white spatter but looks fine the way it is. Dad will probably keep the hat buried in his closet with his “Greatest Dad in The World” hat you got him last year.
Next up is the Edge car magnet, which takes it’s inspiration from the famous “mudflap girl” or the Kappa soccer symbol. Though it appears that the hair is a bit asymmetrical, the design is symmetrical. I like the idea of incorportaing a tattoo from anyone into a design for their merchandise and also helps to build on the “Tattooed” theme on the garbage can. Adding the lovely silhouette ladies helps to play up the “Crude, Lewd” portion of the already mentioned trash can. I’m not sure why the outline isn’t white to maintain the colors mainly used by Edge but silver works out nicely and gives the magnet a buffer for whatever surface one decides to put it on. Dad will probably throw it on his car since Mom took off his “WOW” sticker.
I’ve saved the worst for last, the Edge Teddy Bear. What father wants a stuffed bear for Father’s Day? Not any dad I know of. The WWE should have gone with a bobble head. They did do a good job of replicating Edge’s outfit and tattoos though. The saggy bear boobs makes “Edge” look a little too much like Ric Flair. Dad will “accidently” give this to the dog and make you pick up the feces just so you learn a cruel hard lesson early in your life, Little Guy. – Kevin
Quite interesting stuff, as always.
Any opinions of the ROH TV show now having a segment called “The Art of Pro Wrestling,” featuring Colt Cabana plugging their merchandise? He doesn’t go as in depth, it was just him doing a little riffing and shilling with Brent Albright, but I thought it was weird how similar the segment’s name was to this while also dealing with wrestling merchandise.
I had no idea they were doing that since I don’t get HD Net. I know I’m linked to Colt on Myspace so it’d be nice if he actually swiped the name from me so long as he plugged our site. I try to change my update status when I post a new article. I’ll have to see if ROH has those segments up online. – Kevin
Saturday’s episode (Episode 14) was the first time this segment aired.
They’re available in segments on Youtube a couple days after they air, so it should be available soon if it’s not there already.