The Art of Wrestling – The Color Of Money

I haven't seen enough skull and snake designs quite yet.

I haven't seen enough skull and snake designs quite yet.

Kevin Nash has been yapping at Mick Foley that the only reasons he wrestles is because of the money. It’s a wonder then why it took him and TNA this long to come out with another shirt. The last t-shirt he had was the “Big Sexy World Tour” shirt which came out in 2008. Waiting at least a year (pretty sure I saw some last year at Wrestlemania so I’d say it’s been longer) isn’t exactly a good way to bring in more money.  Get cracking on new designs Big Sexy. Come out with one every pay per view like “Stone Cold” Steve Austin used to do.

The new shirt is called “Tattoo” which is shown as well as possible in the initial picture. I complimented the WWE for taking one of Edge’s tattoos and using for his merchandising. I liked that transition more because the tattoo was simple and fit the “Rated R Superstar” persona. Kevin Nash may like his skull and snake tattoo but it doesn’t exactly scream “Main Event Mafia who is only in it for the money” guy. So with that understanding, let’s move on to the shirt itself. TNA added color to the design which gives it more pop, but makes it look even more cartoony than it already is. They assigned the normal colors to each item (white skull, green snake, pink tongue, etc.) but they would have better served to stay simple.  One idea would be to reverse the actual tattoo and go white design on a black shirt.

There is a cascade of water at the tongue and apparently fish tails near the body of the snake which makes me think that it’s more a leviathan than a snake. It’s tough to tell what the design is meant to be unless I got to ask Nash personally.

No, I wasn't refering Leviathan as in Batista's old gimmick.

No, I wasn't refering Leviathan as in Batista's old gimmick.

Above the tattoo design is Nash’s nickname “Big Sexy” which has a font that matches the design. I would have preferred if they had used colors in the tattoo design rather than coming up with a new color scheme.

On the back, they did very little. TNA shrunk the tattoo and then just put “Nash” in block lettering. I’ve mentioned this before but the lettering should have stayed the same as the front. Why they copied the front design and not the lettering is a mystery to me. They also decided to go all white with the lettering which wsa a bad idea too.

The shirt is far from hideous but it isn’t for me. Let’s hope that the money man gets one of his bimbos to design his shirt the next time so that Big Sexy can pull in more of that all important merchandise money. -Kevin

One Response to “The Art of Wrestling – The Color Of Money”

  1. stuntgranny 2009-08-20 at 8:12 pm #

    This is the only skull and snake design you need to see. – Dusty

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