Kurt Angle: Still guilty of being white trash, a misdemeanor

"Told ya so."
According to Prowrestling.net, Kurt Angle was found not guilty on the charge of harassment in his little block-circling to-do with (ex-)girlfriend Rhaka Khan. And…
The judge also dismissed charges of driving without a suspended license, and drug possession charges stemming from the two vials of HGH that were found inside his vehicle at the time of his arrest. “I will continue to live my life by the law, as I always have,” Angle stated outside the courthouse.
Hey, I drive without a suspended license all the time. Either that’s a really stupid charge, or Powell was too busy typing this up in disbelief. There are more charges on the table for Angle, though, including breaking the protection stay filed against him by Khan and her charge of harassment. According to this fake court document I have right here, the harassment charge stems from Angle chasing Khan around his house saying he wanted to have “bestiality sex” with her. Go figure. -Eric
P.S. Here’s video of Kurt Angle being mild-mannered white trash. Seriously, if you don’t want someone in your house, throw their shit on the lawn and change the locks. If that wacky new roommate turns out to be a psychotic 8-foot black chick who will make Grace Jones look like Minnie Mouse, put bars on your windows and hire some goons. Oh, and listen at 1:56 when the lawyer says Angle has “five broken necks.” Just think about it.
hired goons!?