Hulk Hogan on Larry King Live (ugh), Jimmy Fallon (UGH)

Hulk Hogan

So, are they playing Rock Paper Scissors, or are they arguing over what Hulk is gonna do to Brooke later?

Hulk Hogan is releasing a new book, brother, that is sure to be full of revelations about his and his family’s pathetic lives, dude. And not only has Hogan become a parody of a real celebrity, BRAH, he’s beginning to make the talk-show rounds, you stinky, nasty, wart-infested brothers! According to, Hogan will be on Larry King Live tonight at 9 EST/8 CST (wait, are we on standard or daylight right now? eh, fuck it), and you can bet grizzled ol’ Larry will really rake the Hulkster over the coals. Better yet, maybe King will fall ill and be replaced by Kermit the Frog again! Then the insufferable Jimmy Fallon will host the No. 1 Hulkamaniac on “Late Night with Dipshit McGee” on Thursday night. If you thought Fallon was awkward and unfunny already, what’s he gonna do when Hogan’s mannish daughter, slut wife and brain-dead family friend come up, dude?! Set your DVRs, people! -Eric

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