Jim Ross Suffers Bell’s Palsy Attack
From Jason Powell:
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross suffered his third Bell’s Palsy attack during a flight from Oklahoma to South Carolina on Monday night. “I was able to reach WWE doctors who were in Jacksonville for Raw and they were able to call in the medicines I needed to get started on to slow down the paralysis,” Ross wrote on his blog site.
“Now we just wait and see how the meds work and Mother Nature takes her course. My plans are to tape SD tonite working with the King and perhaps even Michael Cole so we can make sure we can do the job that the product and the talents deserve.” To read the full blog, visit JRsBarBQ.com.
We at Stunt Granny wish Jim Ross and his family nothing but the best. He is the best. Here’s hoping he gets better so he can continue to be the best.
Also, I hope this puts to rest the theory that he’s going to TNA anytime soon. He’s more likely to just retire than go to TNA, in my house of humble opine. Especially with the Dumbshit Twins, Russo and Ferrara, running things. What, is he going to go there so they can make fun of him again? Jesus Christ. – Dusty
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