Like Shooting Fish in a Barrel
According to the Pro Wrestling Torch (they report news once every four months) Samoa Joe and AJ Styles blew up at this weeks tapings. AJ Styles stated the obvious to Vince Russo who is the only person on the planet that doesn’t realize that the first month of Styles’ TNA Heavyweight Title reign has been a disaster. A short recap of Styles’ title reign, he was barely on TV the show after he won the title belt. No matter how formula it is in the WWE, at least they give a new champion mic time to berate or thank the crowd. He lost to Kurt Angle before his match at Bound For Glory. A beat down by your opponent makes you look vulnerable. A clean loss to another main eventer makes you look weak. Styles then won a short (by main event standards) match with an out of the blue finish over Sting who mailed in his end of the performance. Good for Styles standing up for himself. The worst thing that can happen is he gets fired, signs with the WWE, makes more money and feuds with Evan Bourne and Hornswoggle for the next five years.
On to the serious story now, Samoa Joe yelled at TNA management because they didn’t use his friend’s catering service at Bound For Glory. Evidently the caterers TNA used didn’t supply Joe with as much food as his dojo does. – Kevin
Misleading title, I thought it was going to be a Sean Salisbury story…man I hate that guy.