Ultimate Warrior in the Hall of Fame?


Rocket Fuel 4 Life

That’s what the Sun thinks, anyway, as you can read for yourself right here: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/wrestling/2723407/The-Ultimate-Warrior-is-being-tipped-to-enter-the-WWE-Hall-of-Fame.html. And, credit where it’s due, they are quoting from Figure Four Weekly, so I’m covering my butt on the crediting thing here, for sure.

Bets are being taken now as to who would induct the Warrior if he does indeed get in. My bet is on Triple H for the simple fact that even though he had to job to Warrior at WrestleMania 12, it was done in such a way that it really took Hunter’s career to the next level. This would be a nice way for the Cerebral Assassin to really say “Thank you” for that kind gesture. – Dusty

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