The Dallas Media is Fucktarded
Not to be done by our Australian counter parts, the Dallas News decided to go with a story about Mark Cuban wanting to get retribution on Randy Orton for an RKO he had taken in 2003. Cody Rhodes shot back that he can bring “Cowboys or Mavericks” into a six man match with Legacy. Hey dumb ass, Cuban only owns the Mavericks. The creepy old guy with perma-grin owns the Cowboys. I’d imagine, since the Mavericks don’t have a game, this angle will happen. Cody wants it to happen just so he can not look like a twig in comparison to someone else. Too bad that they’ll probably tower over him, especially if they bring the David Hasselhoff loving Dirk Nowitski. At least the Dallas News is smart enough to not be treating this confrontation as a real assault so we do at least have half a step on those dumb kangaroo humpers. -Kevin
Thanks to for bring this story to my attention.
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