Luther Reigns, aka Horshu, discusses recent stroke, drug use
According to, former WWE superstar Luther Reigns, aka Horshu from WCW Saturday Night, recently had a stroke and went through rehab in Glendale, Ariz., his home state. In an article in the Arizona Republic, Reigns (real name Matthew Wiese) explains that he was on steroids from college at Arizona State University, through his stints in WCW and WWE, and up until recently while managing his girlfriend’s acting career (that comment is useless without pictures, Luth), and the article goes on to say that Reigns took “40 to 50 pain pills … each day.” The story also says Reigns’ speech therapist believes “a stroke at his age is not normal but probably is the result of years of drug abuse.” Watch out, lady, Jerry McDevitt’s gonna come knockin’! Here’s the silver lining, though, from the end of the article:
Wiese’s main focus is now on recovery. Having blown most of the money he made from wrestling, he now relies on financial support from his mother and royalties from television and movie appearances. He attends outpatient therapy at Valley of the Sun Rehabilitation Hospital three times a week and hopes to move to Los Angeles to become a full-time actor after his therapy is over.
It could be months before he is well enough to begin acting again, but Wiese said the stroke turned out to be a positive experience because it freed him of the addictions that had plagued him for over a decade.
“This had to happen,” he said. “This (stroke) was a gift from God.”
I’m glad to hear the 36-year-old Wiese found a positive after all the negative. The real bummer is that no one has given me $50 million to start a wrestling league yet, because I would have hired a healthy Luther Reigns in a heartbeat. OK, that was a bad choice of words; I would have hired him in an instant. Then he could have had Thanksgiving, not no bread and spoiled meat! -Eric
Fuck Luther Reigns! He blew all the money he made in pro wrestling? This is the same guy who quit WWE because he wanted to focus more on his real estate business and was bragging about all the money he was pulling in from his old lady’s salon.
I thought the guy had some talent but I can’t feel sorry for a guy who lived under a bridge because of his drug addiction before he stpped foot in wrestling, Maybe he can start wearing Sketchers for dress shoes now that he has no money.