CM Punk has “arm” surgery, other sites run “vague” news

Which of these arms *was* it?
(PROGRAMMING NOTE: Don’t miss out on Stunt Granny Audio #104 below! It’s a good one!)
According to (and I wouldn’t send you to this pop-up-infested cesspool unless it was serious), CM Punk will be on the shelf for 4 to 8 weeks (including WWE Money in the Bank, dang it) due to a mysterious surgery.
Word going around at Smackdown is that CM Punk had surgery on his arm last week. The word backstage was that Punk could be out of 4-8 weeks from the procedure on his arm.
The arm has a lot of places on which to conduct surgery. There’s the shoulder, there are biceps, there are also triceps… there’s an elbow, there’s a forearm… there are two bones in the forearm. Ummm, there’s a hand with five fingers… So yeah, CM Punk had surgery on his shoulder-bicep-tricep-elbow-hand-finger thingie. That’s helpful, right? Hey, maybe he’ll show up on Smackdown in a sling (spoiler) and confront Rey Mysterio before ripping his arm out of the socket and beating Mysterio with it. “That’s a cast!!” -Eric
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