Survivor Series Uncancelled

The real turkeys are the WWE decision makers.
According to Meltzer:
At tonight’s Raw show, it was announced that the return to Miami would be on November 21st and it would be called the Survivor Series.
After a disappointing number of PPV buys for last year’s Survivor Series, largely based on two facts, a terrible build up for the John Cena vs. HHH vs. Shawn Michaels main event, all based on comedy, and also coming a day after a UFC show, Vince McMahon instead blamed it on the name Survivor Series, saying the name and concept is outdated.
However, when WrestleMania also did disappointing numbers in comparison to expectations, also coming the day after a UFC show, even though publicly they will say one had anything to do with the other, privately, many in the company specifically believed that was the only reason for the weak number. Given that, it would make sense to reconsider the dropping of the Survivor Series name.
Holy crap, that’s some terrible writing, but also some great news. It’s a catch-22! – Dusty
Tatanka sure looks like he’s ready to scalp… I mean carve that turkey! -E
This thing needs to go back to Thanksgiving night!