TNA is mad at Ric Flair

Naw, I got it covered Dave. trust me. Hey is that the backdoor?

According to, Ric Flair’s time with TNA may be coming to an end.  He has built up enough heat with the company that they may let him go. I wonder where Ric could go where if TNA let him go? Well, it may not be that easy, apparently he has been a very bad boy. Over at they have more details on Ric’s exploits.

Apparently Ric has been doing the exact same things he was doing last year? Now it is a problem because, um, because he went to the WWE Hall of fame inductions and TNA got jack shit out of the deal? Ha ha bad businesswoman you got played.

I am sorry but I really think it is totally baddass and ironic that a 65 year-old man has been banned from The Hard Rock Café for essentially acting like a rock star. What happened to the world? You can’t act like a boorish fool in a place that owes its entire business  to a long established history of boorish behavior? Fuck off.– Jeremy

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