A Little More To The Left.



Prowrestling.net is reporting that fate, or as some of you believe, God, did all of us a favor and put Nathan Jones out of commission for the foreseeable future. Normally this isn’t a worthwhile story, but there is a blurb about how he has signed with TNA, and thus it had to be reported on.

Nathan was hit by a runaway truck and in the process clipped his arm, causing severe nerve damage. There is no documented proof that his nipples started secreting or that his Hollywood future is in doubt. What is in doubt is that horrible rumor about him debuting with TNA.  Why they would sign this buffoon with no talent is yet another reason TNA is a disaster of a promotion. Instead of utilizing their talented roster and… awww fuck it, nevermind.

Here is hoping, in all honesty, for a speedy recovery and a phone call from TNA saying that he will not be needed after all. -Jeremy

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