HAHAHAHA, Kurt and Karen Angle divorcing!

"One of these days, Karen, POW, right in your fuckin' yap, you scuzzy whore. Now make me a sandwich!"
This is fucking awesome: The human ashtray Kurt Angle and his skeezy wife Karen are getting a divorce, says Prowrestling.net and announced on Bubba the Love Sponge. This comes after tons of mistakes on both of their parts: Kurt’s affair, a pregnant Karen seen out on the town with another guy, Kurt’s addiction to aisle 6 at Eckard’s, Karen licking the locker room floor clean every night. TNA was even brilliant enough to book their break-up, giving us hours of nonentertainment we’ll never, ever get back. We here at Stunt Granny wish Kurt and Karen the best in convincing someone to hook up with dirtballs of their magnitude. -Eric
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