Never Ending Pasta Jokes

I was ready to leave Justin Incredible alone but JR just forced me over the edge by commenting on him in his blog.  I won’t make fun of Justin Incredible for making an honest day’s living if it weren’t for his choice of restaurants.  The Olive Garden parades itself around like authentic Italian cuisine because of its’ Culinary Institute of Tuscany. 

Nothing says authentic like some bread sticks that a real Italian wouldn't be caught dead with.

Nothing says authentic like some bread sticks that a real Italian wouldn't be caught with dead.

Those frauds would think that grease laden Tuscani Pasta from Pizza Hut is authentic Italian.  The least Justin could have done was get a job from a nice place like Denny’s so that his wife could work with him and also be the prettiest waitress there. – Kevin

If you have any heartfelt love for Italian food contact me at

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