How to build a wrestling ring… I dare you to try this at home
Don’t ask me how or why I came across this video. (I mostly don’t want you to ask me because I’m super drunk right now and I don’t remember. In fact, I’ve had to type this sentence four times to get it right.) It is embarrassingly bad in pretty much every way you can imagine. The video is hilariously awful, and the ring is cringe-inducingly side-splitting. And as usual, the comments are gems; I mean it, click on “view all ## comments” and read what these fools are saying to each other. These guys are really, genuinely proud of this abortion they call a wrestling ring. Hey, if I can sell plasma to buy my groceries, you guys can sell more pictures of your sister’s boobs to your friends and get a real ring from Highspots. Ooh, is your sister 18 yet? -Eric
I don’t even care, the person who posted this doesn’t have to breathe.
The video is bad enough in how fast the titles leave the screen.
And apparently there’s a number of videos of people making their own rings.
Yeah, but how many people make their rings out of hundreds and thousands of SPARE TIRES~!? And then get defensive when people suggest it isn’t very tall? (And by the end of that video, my drunken ass was in tears over how fast those titles appeared and disappeared. For the record, I find this video equally funny stone sober.)