Sonjay Dutt Breaks Outta Orlando


According to, Sonjay Dutt has joined Petey Williams on the list of recently departed TNA wrestlers. I was just thinking what the hell happened to this guy as I fast forwarded through Impact this week. Dutt leaving TNA is kind of surprise just as Petey Williams departure was. Not a surprise in the fact that they’ll be missed, since they won’t, but more so that they have nothing that WWE is looking for in their wrestlers. There is a chance that TNA and Dutt will work something out and really they should. Other than ROH and the independents his future in this country looks dim. Who in their right mind would hire a tiny, balding, acne backed man for any other purpose other than shooing him out of a cannon?

You know that isn’t fair, Dutt is a totally decent wrestler who was saddled with that stupid add Guru gimmick. He did his best with it but really, it is like making the best out of a bag of feces, lemons and tampons. Sure it sounds like a party but is it? -Jeremy

One Response to “Sonjay Dutt Breaks Outta Orlando”

  1. Fanatic 2009-02-23 at 7:45 pm #

    If they’re basing the cuts on bacne, I’ll act suprised when I see Davari’s name.

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