Stunt Grany Audio #45


Look out grandma; a historic day is upon us. For the first time in over a month Stunt Granny presents an audio show. It’s not just any audio show though, it’s the mother fuckin Audio Experience. Yeah that’s right, Dusty and Jeremy have stolen the name and are putting voices on the interweb in a digital presentation once again. This time around the guys talk about all the radical changes in WWE over the last two weeks. It is a quite the amazing story as people are dropping like flies and Lazarus’ are waking from the dead. The even manage to discuss The Happening as Jeremy loses his concentration watching that pile of garbage. So join in the fun, you know you want it!

Stunt Granny Audio Show #45

3 Responses to “Stunt Grany Audio #45”

  1. jdb1982 2009-06-11 at 2:07 am #

    About time!! You guys were getting Larry Sweeny/Paul London flakey man. I was expecting the website to dissappear anyday now.

    I’m downloading now as I type and I can already say I give it 5 stars! Best show of the year!

    Get the fucking Wizard back on here and do some mid 90’s WWF talk too!

    All Hail Cunt Tranny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Kirk 2009-06-13 at 1:01 am #

    Good to see a taste of the old school format.

    Jeremy, I think Kennedy promoted behind enemy lines on SD, talked about his injury being career threatening, and then never came back to wrestle until the Nuggets-Lakers thing after being drafted back to Raw.

  3. special 2009-06-17 at 2:32 pm #

    I look forward to listening to this one boys, it’s been a while since the last experiment!!!! HAHA FUCKING YEAH!!! This ones got me more psyched up more than Misawas fucking chiropractor baby woooooooo!!!

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