Edge Injured?
This certainly can’t be good news. According to Prowrestling.net, Edge was seriously injured at a house show in San Diego on Friday night. Several different sites are reporting he tore his Achilles tendon and we all know how that plays out. Edge should be gone until next year if the news is true and while it does hurt Smackdown it doesn’t kill it.
Smackdown has actually positioned other wrestlers for upper card runs and this injury could be just what is needed to elevate them. John Morrison is the first to come to mind but they also can rely on Dolph Ziggler. Seems to be management is ready to give him a push after the past week of victories and the angle with Maria.
These two certainly aren’t Edge caliber yet but with no lumbering, big nosed, sluggish, boring, long-haired greasy squashers on the show some of the younger guys may be able to fill the void and make Smackdown stronger.
Once more news comes out on his injury and it’ll be clear just how WWE handles this predicament. Do they panic and pull another trade or do they let Smackdown ride it out and continue to be the best wrestling program in North America? -Jeremy
Damn, I saw this on some bush league site like Lords of Pain at 12:30 a.m. but figured it was sensationalized. I should have realized that it wasn’t on Powell’s or Meltzer’s sites at that point because they’re normal people who sleep. -E