PWO – Season 2 – Episode 14
Kid Cupid was introduced as the guest ring announcer and he introduced Noj the “Wild Samoan” and The Savage, who was a big non-descript white guy who wore a leopard print singlet. They came to the ring with Marion Fontaine. Marshall Gambino and his brother Mickey came to the ring. They were not scheduled for the match or weren’t part of the roster accordign to Joe Dombrowski, who was flying solo again. After brawling, an official tag match started. Noj beat on Mickey. Mickey turned it around and the Gambinos started to double team Noj. The Gambinos continued to tag in and out and keep Noj isolated. The Savage got the hot tag and hit some Khali like head chops. Marshall speared him and both stayed down. Noj missed a moonsault then was hit by a top rope elbow by Mickey and a frog splash by Marshall. The referee counted Noj even though he wasn’t the legal man which Dombrowski noted.
Analysis: I find it silly when someone who shows up isn’t part of the roster but still has a match no matter what wrestling promotion does it. The Gambinos look to have serious potential. Marshall is a bit hefty but that didn’t hinder him. He just needs to get smoother in the ring. Mickey has a great build and just looks like he needs more ring time.
Dawn Decadence came to the ring and said that she has more pain in mind for Marion Fontaine and his freaks. She also said she will rid the PWO of ugly people by bringing in new recruits. Dawn then smapped Kid Cupid and stormed out of the ring. Dombrowski noted that her entourage is named “Sex Appeal”.
Analysis: I ripped on her for her outift the last time she was on so I have to note that she upgraded because it was more stylish and made her look better. It helps to sell the gimmick. It also helps that they’ve stayed away from the international fame angle. I figure this feud will culminate in a Survivor Series style elimination match at Wrestlelution.
They recapped Josh Prohibition winning the PWO Heavyweight Title, which is a good idea for such a big win.
The Rock Show was introduced by Earnie Ballz with his “Ed McMahon” Brian Bender. Benjamin “The Bear” Boone was the guest, who was sporting a new beard. They talked about Boone getting a rub from N8 Mattson. Beverly joined them and said he wanted a rematch with The Clash. Boone told Beverly he can’t count on Hobo Joe because Aaron Maguire is distracting him. He went on to tell him to take his own destiny into his control. Beverly looked like he was contemplating Boone’s words.
Analysis: Boone did a great job with his promo. Beverly had a great reaction to end the segment since he knew Hobo Joe had left him hung out to dry a couple of times. It did look silly though when Beverly wouldn’t “join them” and he wasn’t any more than five foot away.
Gregory Iron said he was excited to take on Josh Prohibition next week for the PWO Heavyweight Title. He said he was determined to win the title despite his limitations. Analysis: Third good promo of the night even if it was the short and sweet variety. Always good to promote a match on future shows with a promo.
Hobo Joe was excited to be drinking the champagne of beers, Miller High Life. Aaron Maguire tried to convince Joe that he was wasting his money. Joe replied that he was only buying necessities like clothes, food and beer. Maguire continued to beat on Joe about spending too much money. He then said he’d hit him if necessary to straighten him out. They went into a montage of Joe trying new suits on that Maguire had bought him at the Salvation Army. They settled on some khaki pnats, white shirt and a plaid tie and jacket.
Analysis: It was a cheesy montage but it gives Joe a fresh look. Hobo just doesn’t fly for me. Maguire is doing a good job of buttering up Joe hoping that he can get his money to pay off the Gambinos.
Mike Tolar came to the ring, grabbed the microphone and told Pedro DeLucca to reintroduce him with a ridiculous string of compliments. Jason Bane was his opponent for the number one contender’s match. Michael Cash added color commentary for this match. Bane controlled the early action and Tolar heeled it up by acting like a chicken shit. Bane clotheslined him outside and followed. Bane charged, missed Tolar and ran into the ring post. Dombrowski & Cash noted that Ben Fruth & EJ Giorgio, Tolar lackies, might not be able to help Tolar in a numbers advantage situation because of their inexperience. Tolar worked on the injured shoulder. The announcers mentioned Tolar’s collegiate background and his excellent mat work. Bane fought back with some rights and a Samoan drop. Bane then hit a clothesline and back body drop. Tolar sent Girogio & Fruth into the ring. Tolar left ring side and was counted out. Bane was happy but not satisfied.
Analysis: These two have more skills to have a better match but it was a good way to protect Tolar. He does need a good excuse to cover his ass a little more. Bane has had an ongoing problem feud with Josh Prohibition so the outcome was predictable but helps to further their issues.
Final Analysis: Three good promos (Decadence, Boone and Iron) and the debut of the Gambinos who both have potential as big men were the big positives of the show. The Joe/Maguire segment moved their story along. The only disappointment was the main event but was approporiate because of the above reasons. – Kevin
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