Enjoy Sarita’s Legs
I have never looked at Sarah Stock, or as she is known now as Sarita, like this before but damn. Here she is on Hermie Sadler’s talk show from TNA. I don’t know who Hermie Sadler is but I know even his voice isn’t enough to make me stop watching this video. Look at her freakin legs. TNA is doing all of us a disservice by allowing her to cover those beautiful babies her ring wear. Get her some short shorts or trunks immediately. We need to see those shiny, toned and glamorous sticks in all their glory on a weekly basis. OK, enough talk; go watch. -Jeremy
She looked fantastic in that bodysuit she wrestled in on SHIMMER too. She’s quite attractive.
No idea who Hermie Sadler is, but he has the best job on earth. Getting paid to talk to hot chicks. First Christy Hemme, now Sarita.