The Devil Is Happy

This is how well the majority of the American public will know AJ Styles face after his five year contract.
According to this story in at, AJ Styles and Matt Morgan have been given brand spanking new five year contracts. I think it’s a good move for both parties because TNA keeps two of their young stars that they continue to bury. Styles and Morgan get to have a sound financial future because when TNA folds before these contracts expire, they’ll be able to hold out from signing with the WWE and get all that big money that’s floating around the indy circuit. – Kevin
Update: I was just talking to Jeremy, yep he’s finally doing something for the site even if I’m posting it, about the updated story from that AJ Styles has not in fact signed another contract since he just signed one last year. Here’s the exchange – Jeremy: AJ is still treated like crap even if he’s champ. Me: I forgot he was champ. J: Ha, perfect. Me: I saw pics of him with the belt and wondered how old they were. J: Dude, that seriously cracks me up. End of exchange. Even the people that watch their product weekly along with their pay per views don’t know who their champion is. Good luck defeating the WWE even if you sign all of your up and coming stars TNA. – Kevin
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