Davey Richards + Gabe Sapolsky = Ultimate Warrior
Don’t get me wrong, Davey Richards is a Stunt Granny favorite, a wrestler who the majority of the SG crew (I say this because Jordan, Jeremy and I believe it, and I’m not sure what Dusty and Kevin think) have said could be a top-level dickhead heel in any major promotion. So what has he chosen to do? Team up with metalhead and former Ring of Honor booker, the ever-opaque Gabe Sapolsky, to start a new company called EVOLVE Wrestling (capitalize at your own whimsy).
According to Prowrestling.net, Davey Richards recently heard from WWE, but then he looked into his hands and his gods said something about rewards and punishment…?
“But no one understands why, its not for attention I do this, its not for money, its not for notoriety. Its for my beliefs, my morals, my creed. I am a man who believes hard work must be rewarded and laziness must be punished. I’ve simply walked away from places before who I feel have not shared this moral with me.
“Evolve is my opportunity to not seek out big paydays, not to seek out mainstream notoriety, or to even gain attention. Evolve is my place to seek out the best, outwork them, and beat them.”
Ohhh kay. So after I read this, I had to check out the EVOLVE Wrestling Web site, which has Age of the Fall bullshit tactics written all over it. First, here’s Gabe’s and Davey’s mission, now with 50 percent more Destrucity:
EVOLVE is an attitude.
EVOLVE is not a particular in ring style. It is not an age group. It is not strictly defined.
EVOLVE has no limitations. It has no restrictions. It has no boundaries.
EVOLVE is the ability to look into nothingness and instead of seeing nothing to recognize infinite potential and absolute possibilities.
EVOLVE is the desire to be something greater than what we’ve become.
TAKE THE PLANE INTO A NOSE DIVE HOAK HO-GAN! Anyway, this *could* be a cool concept, as it appears Gabe & Co. plan to focus on win-loss records within stringent singles and tag team divisions. It’s just too bad one of the wrestlers who’s been invited onto the roster has a first name that starts with Bobb… (Check here to see what I mean.) Yep, Gabe only wrote B-o-b-b… and made the letters fade out. So I presume he means Bobby Dempsey. Sure, it could be one of literally half a dozen active wrestlers anyone gives a shit about, except for the fact that I bet no one gives a shit about them (see: Dempsey, Bobby).
Anyway, once again, cool concept with some potential, combined with Gabe’s usual shenanigans and a hell of a talented wrestler who’s apparently gone cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. RFD-TV, here we come! -Eric
No, it’s to make money, you goddamn stupid s-o-bitch.
Gabe will do anything to get back at Ring of Honor. Starting Dragon Gate USA and partnering with former ROH allies and current enemies is not enough for him. He wants to destroy them by following them on Wrestlemania weekend in Phoenix with Dragon Gate and creating another startup company using a guy who still their tag team champ and possible future world champ.
I’ve seen this Gabe Sapolsky. How is he going to craft a hip, fresh, cool promotion? It’s like having a nudist as your tailor.
It’s like reading “How To Stay Thin And Out Of Legal Trouble” by Richard Hatch.
Gabe is the new Paul Heyman; a guy who looks a giant dork who spends all day looking at internet porn and debating anime and wrestling on message boards in his mom’s basement but actually understands pop culture and what the cool kids like.
Gabe Sapolsky, “Show Me the Money!!!!….that you’ve ever made.
Waiting…still waiting…fuck it, I’m outta here.