ODB leaves TNA, moves to Bev-er-ly… Hills, that is

U-S-A! U-S-A!
If you’d just sign up for the PWTorch.com VIP Forum, you’d read little tidbits like this from industrious folks like Havoc: According to her Facebook account, ODB has left TNA:
“would like to thank all the tna fans for all the support but tna and odb have parted ways.it was the right decision to make for myself.1 door is closing another 1 is opening bammm”
That’s fine; I like her and all, but her time in TNA had run its course. She may or may not show up in WWE ever — and if she did, it wouldn’t be under the name “ODB” lest Mattel sue WWE for “using a dirty word, tsk tsk” — but she has plenty of options, including continuing filming movies on Flip cameras with Kurt Angle and Sid Vicious. -Eric
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