Sean Waltman Is Fucking Gross, A Tragedy

One of these men has Hepatitis C.
From Meltzer:
Sean Waltman, who is still working indie dates even with Hepatitis C, was on the Cowhead show in Tampa and said TNA won’t use him due to liability issues. He said he didn’t know how he got the disease, but said he had a lot of unprotected sex in his lifetime. He talked more about his suicide attempt a few years ago, saying that he got depressed, attacked his girlfriend Alicia Webb. He then got even more depressed, took Valium and drank a bottle of Bacardi and tried to hang himself. Webb found him right before he was about to die, and saved his life, giving him CPR under the paramedics arrived. Webb, who was his valet in AAA and worked in WWF as Ryan Shamrock, the sister of Ken Shamrock. Vince Russo wanted to book an incest angle between the two of them in the late 90s, but Ken turned it down, which was one of the reasons he got depushed. Then, as seems to always happen in wrestling, Webb and Ken became an item.
Once again, why would you even hire a person like this? What the hell is wrong with TNA? – Dusty
Um Dusty, we’re over a week late on this. I was hoping this was a story about WAltman and Chyna rekindling the flame with a shotgun weddin’.
Whatever, there, slick. I just wanted to put that picture/caption combo in.