PWO – Season 3 – Episode 24

This picture was the best I could find when I typed "Going Crazy" into Google.

Since I had a long weekend, my dogs continually decided not to go out into the blazing heat and the fact that Wrestlelution 3: A Defining Moment is looming in the not too distant future (August 1st), I decided to clear the majority of my back log of Pro Wrestling Ohio episodes. I tackled one on Sunday (which I posted already) but went extreme on Monday and mowed through four of them. I ended up watching all but the most recent episode from 7/4/10. I will continue to post more often to catch everyone up before I head up to Cleveland for the second year in a row. I think I added more commentary in these reviews and keep in mind that by episode 27 I might have been going crazy.

They started with a replay of last episode’s main event of the Homeless Handicapped Connection, Hobo Joe & Gregory Iron, pinning Bobby Beverly & Bobby Shields of Sex Appeal. They then went to another off air shot of Joe asking Iron about his injured eye, which was bleeding heavily. Iron said he thinks his contact might be stuck because his eye lid is cut.

Analysis: I don’t think that injury was on purpose but it fits the story line so you may as well use it. I hope for Iron’s sake that it isn’t (wasn’t?) too bad. Score: +1.

Morgan Rockafeller took on Portia Perez who was yet again dressed up as Doctor Monstrous. She scolded Pedro De Lucca again. Perez tried to use her short staff for magical purposes but nothing came out of it. Rockafeller punched her in the stomach and went on the offensive. Morgan gave her a basement drop kick. Portia ran out of breath running the ropes. Rockafeller charged in but was drop toe hold into the middle turn buckle. Joe Dombrowski mentioned that “M-Dogg 20” Matt Cross saw who the mystery attacker was last week. He also cited the history of Portia Perez calling in a “friend” who him and Aaron Maguire are assuming is Doctor Monstrous. Portia fell over trying to use “super strength” to slam Rockafeller. Perez then got caught in her own cape and Morgan tried to take advantage but was knocked off the top rope. Perez got the victory.

Analysis: They’re trying to make this funny and point out how ridiculous it is but it’s not working. Portia wrestled really well for them last year. I wish we could see it instead of this silliness. Score: -1.

They showed a replay of Jason Bane against N8 Mattson from the semifinals of the Wrestle-Rama Tournament. PWO also saw fit to show the ending of the other semifinal match between Matt Cross and Benjamin Boone. Oh goody, they’re showing the replay of the finals of the tournament too. Last but not least, they showed Cross after he was attacked from behind. Analysis: Too much replay. Score: -1.

“M-Dogg 20” came onto the screen with a hammer in hand and said Johnny Gargano attacked him with it just like he has in the past. Cross claimed Gargano hasn’t changed. Matt vowed to use the gauntlet match tonight  to get his rematch against Johnny Gargano so that he can restore honor and integrity back into the PWO Championship.

Analysis: Solid promo. Direct but could have used a bit more pep. Score: +1.

They started the 20 person gauntlet match. “The Megastar” Marion Fontaine came to the ring first and grabbed the mic. He said he can smell a conspiracy because he’s number one. Fontaine said that isn’t a problem though because he’ll beat all of them. Michael “The Bomber” Facade was entrant number two. PWO decided to go to a commercial before starting the match. A new person comes in every ninety seconds. The winner of the match gets to be the number one contender spot after N8 Mattson gets his title shot. Facade was nearly thrown out of the ring but held onto the ropes. Shima Xion was entrant number three and he quickly attacked Facade. Facade tried to fight off the two on one assault but was unsuccessful.  Facade tried to take of Xion but he landed on the apron. Louis Linden was entrant number four.  He was attacked by Fontaine & Xion. The whole foursome tried to eliminate each other but nothing happened. Bobby Beverly sauntered to the ring. Fontaine hit a cutter on Linden. Beverly thrust kicked Fontaine. Facade kicked Beverly. Flip Kendrick was the next contestant.  Xion fought off Linden, Kendrick and Facade. Xion was eliminated by being drop kicked off the apron by Facade after he walked the ropes (That looked like it nearly went really wrong). Matt Cross came out and cross bodied everyone left in the ring. Cross rammed Fontaine’s head into the top turn buckle. Krimson was entrant number eight. Krimson assaulted nearly everyone in the ring. Cross and Krimson had a stare down but Krimson quickly hopped over the top rope to eliminate himself. Eric Ryan came to the ring with Earnie Ballz. Facade was eliminated by Beverly. (Which is a little strange since they’re not involved in a story line. I would have guess Xion would interfere to get Facade tossed.) Hobo Joe was the tenth entrant. Joe went right after Beverly. Bobby Shields came out next and went after Hobo Joe. Sex Appeal double suplexed Joe. Gregory Iron hit the ring next and helped out his partner against Sex Appeal. (It’s a real mess in there. They could have used a couple more eliminations.) Marshall “The Bull” Gambino was the next contestant. Beverly tossed out Gregory Iron. Gambino whipped out Louis Linden & Flip Kendrick. (Maybe I typed too soon.) Dombrowski threw it to a commercial break. Brian Bender and Isaac Montana had come during the commercial break. Corey Winters came to the ring just as they came back from it. Hobo Joe and Bobby Beverly were eliminated during the break. Maguire noted that Bender was going after both Winters & Ryan, who were Earnie Ballz proteges. Ben Fruth was the next entrant. Fruth charged at Ryan who back dropped him out of the ring. Dombrowski said that Johnny Gargano is going to respond to Cross’ accusations after the match. Jason Bane was entrant number 18. Everyone attacked him when he came into the ring. Ryan got tossed off of Bane’s back out of the ring. Bane threw out Montana and Shields. Bender put up little resistance and got tossed. Corey Winters got tossed out also by Bane. Gambino and Bane went at it but Bane got the upper hand quickly and then threw out Gambino (That happened way too easily.) N8 Mattson was the next contestant. Bane went after Mattson. Maguire reminded everyone that to collect the bounty, one needed to eliminate Bane from PWO entirely. Benjamin Boone was the last entrant. He went straight at Bane. Dombrowski said that all the men left are worthy of getting a title shot. Cross bicycle kicked Fontaine off the ring apron. Boone charged at Bane but was eliminated when Bane low bridged him. Bane tried to eliminate Mattson but didn’t do it until Cross tried to toss both of them at the same time. Cross thought Bane hit the floor but he hadn’t so Cross started to celebrate. Bane got up and easily tossed out Cross. “M-Dogg” freaked out at ring side. Cross yelled at Dombrowski and Maguire who fled the announce booth.

Analysis: Good for what it is. They timed the commercial breaks well to miss as little of the gauntlet match as possible. PWO tied in the story lines between most of the contestants pretty well other than the Facade elimination. It wasn’t part of the “Toss everyone out because a big man just came into the ring” segments. Just seemed out of place since so many of the eliminations were part of those segments with Gambino & Bane. Nice to see Bane get a title shot finally. I like the slowly getting more frustrated Matt Cross. Score: +2.

Johnny Gargano told Matt Cross that he was lying because he didn’t attack him. Gargano said that it makes sense why everyone is pointing the finger at him but he’s a changed person. Gargano said it was easy to plant what should be his stuff. He quickly mentioned that he’s got Mattson & Bane as up coming opponents. Gargano knows he’s being framed by someone and he’s not pleased about it. (And then my DVR cuts out a bit too early so I don’t catch the very end of it.)

Analysis: Gargano is eliminating the goofiness which is making him a better promo guy. It’s good to see him pointing out the obvious with the planted evidence since no one, even face announcer Dombrowski, is doing a good job of defending Gargano. Score: +1.

Final Score: 3/6. Final Analysis: The show was short on segments because of the Royal Rumble style Gauntlet Match as they called it. The Doctor Monstrous stuff can just stop. Please. Portia is a good wrestler and Rockafeller seemed to be solid herself so it ruined what could have been a solid match. I’m not sure that Gargano’s response should have been after that match simply because Jason Bane’s chance to capture the PWO Heavyweight Title is more important in my book.


  1. World Wide News Flash - 2010-07-08

    PWO ? Season 3 ? Episode 24…

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