The WWE Magazine Editor Is A Fucking Idiot

Warning: Contains severe amount of mental retardation.

I’ve been meaning to write this one for awhile now. The editor of WWE Magazine is a fucking imbecile. I will give two examples.

I pick up the magazine from time to time, just to check in on it and maybe relive some childhood memories. In one issue, the magazine ran a short blurb about how bad War Games was, and how silly WCW was for having such a match, and how it was probably one reason why they went out of business.

War Games was fucking awesome. It produced many great match-ups and many memorable moments for the company. A person who doesn’t like War Games simply doesn’t understand the wrestling business and does not deserve to be writing for a wrestling magazine. Period.

The second example I can give is that in the Raw 15th anniversary magazine, the top two people on the list of people who overstayed their welcomes in the company were Scott Steiner and the Headbangers. Now, the Headbangers weren’t great or anything, but they were decent enough, and as a tag team they only lasted a couple years before they went in a different direction with the guys. I barely even remember them when I’m thinking of past happenings in the WWF. They weren’t a big deal. No reason to get worked up about them. I should also note that ran a “Where are they now” feature on the Headbangers, so it’s not even the official stance of the company that the Headbangers sucked. It’s just the one douche that runs their magazine.

As for Scott Steiner, he’s fucking awesome. Put a live microphone in front of him, and he’s going to say some great stuff. And once again, he didn’t really last more than a couple years in WWE as a solo act before fizzling out, so again, it’s not really a big deal. Just more misplaced hostility.

Seems like WWE has a mandate that the editor of their magazine must be a brain dead, know nothing. I wonder if this guy ran a loser video store before he got his current gig. – Dusty

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