Kids Ruin Everything. But Love John Cena
I don’t like small children. They are annoying leaches that can’t fend for them yet we bend over backwards and do everything for these parasites for some reason. Every once in a while though something comes along that gives me slight pause; this is it. found a nice video of some retarded kid doing what kids do; acting like fucking self involved, selfish pricks. What could possibly cause such a tirade, other than not getting what these spoiled pieces of waste repeatedly whines about? Well, it’s John Cena losing to Wade Barrett.
This is the kind of video that gets Vince McMahon’s cock hard. No not the supple backside of the lad, but the reaction. This is the kind of dope that genuinely enjoys WWE’s product. No blinders, no excuses, they love every bit about it and thus another reason to hate children. They have no taste. Not one bit of it. As adults continue to pander to this filth we all suffer. -Jeremy
Beautifully said about small children! Wow! I never liked small children either. Everything you said about them is absolutely true. I’m 17, female, and the oldest of 2 girls. I didn’t like what you said though about the John Cena post with him going to marry his high school sweetheart, specifically about marriage and women in general. Same about the Rhaka Khan post. I was disgusted about what you wrote. And the picture itself was an atrocity! Ugh! I can’t believe you get pleasure in that. But in all fairness you do have freedom of speech and the right to your own opinions and feelings. You have a pretty good sense of humor to me at times though. Just regard women with more respect please. At least a little? Thank you! 🙂
Hey, thanks for reading but you got it wrong. I absolutely respect women. The greatest form of respect is treating them like equals. Hence, I talk shit abotu them just like I do everyone else. I wish i remembered what I said about Cena and Rhaka but I believe I found Rhaka crazy sexy and would like to have long love on her. I still would, well, if I had a recent picture.