Bret Shart… er, Hart picks up appropriate Twitter handle

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Whichever one of Bret “Hitman” Hart’s filthy, unwashed, nitty-gritty fans was squatting on the Twitter handle @brethart must have sheepishly and star-struckedly handed that username over to the rightful owner, because the Hitman is officially on Twitter as @brethart. This replaces his previous Twitter handle, @HitmanBretSHart (which is still live but inactive), better known to me, most Stunt Granny readers and anyone with common sense and two eyeballs (no offense to our glass-eyed readers) as “Hitman Bret Shart.” Look, Bret, I know you’ve been through a lot in the past 12 years, but leave us out of your incontinence. Har har har.

(Side note: Bret is still taking it upon himself to air his dirty laundry — he’s Canadian, it’s not like he has clean laundry — with Hulk Hogan via Twitter; a recent Twitpic of one of Bret’s juvenile drawings is posted above.) -Eric

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