The Big Rig Brodie Lee Comes to the #WWE

According to, “Big Rig” Brodie Lee has signed a developmental deal with WWE. Though he worked some dates for Ring Of Honor and for Dragon Gate USA, I know him from Pro Wrestling Ohio. He is 6′-7″ and has got to weigh around three hundred pounds. He’s not in WWE shape but he’s still been hitting the gym. His size appeals to the WWE and they should be able to get him into better shape. I can only hope he retains his mobility in such a move. Brodie was quite agile for a big man. He had a haggard look that I dug but the WWE won’t allow that so his looks will be cleaned up too. Brodie didn’t get much mic time since Marion Fontaine did most of the talking. Lee carried himself well when he did get a chance. I’m surprised he didn’t get a contract earlier. He worked with Kevin Nash at Wrestlelution 4 so the WWE was well aware of him. From what I saw of him on TV, the WWE signed a good one. -Kevin

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