The Art of Wrestling – Random Notes

I can’t say that I’ve got a lot of information but I have a couple of things to point out about yesterday’s Raw.  First off, it’s nice of the WWE to have both the WWE Champion and the World Heavyweight Champion on Smackdown’s roster.  Meanwhile, those morons at TNA can’t even be bothered to take Petey Williams and Lance Rock off of their website even though they don’t work for the company anymore.

Glamarella had a completely new look on Raw last night.  In previous weeks, Beth had worn whatever colors she wanted.  I thought it was a nice touch that she went to green, white and red highlights to reflect her boyfriend’s heritage.  I think the WWE wasted an opportunity to not have a hair match that involved Santino though.  The lone report is a one liner on that Santino got an LA Makeover.  Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole did point the changes out at least.   That would have been a money segment to have him freaking out or even having Beth make him get a new hair cut because she thought it was ridiculous.  Hell, they could have even saved it for “Santino’s Casa”.

Santino could make a spa segment funny too.

Santino could make a spa segment funny too.

TNA does have a decent preview of four new shirts for Team 3D, Awesome Kong and two different Suicide.  I can’t isolate the images so just click on this link.  I can only give this a mild thumbs up though because they have now created more shirts for Suicide than either the Front Line or the Main Event Mafia who have dominated their television time.  I’ll get into breakdown the t-shirts and making fun of their models when they have a full showing of the shirts. – Kevin

3 Responses to “The Art of Wrestling – Random Notes”

  1. Jeff Brown 2009-02-17 at 11:41 pm #

    I can’t wait to hear more from the “IWC’s” fashion expert.


  1. Wwe » Blog Archive » The Art of Wrestling - Random Notes - 2009-02-18

    […] wrote an interesting post today on The Art of Wrestling – Random NotesHere’s a quick excerpt…have a couple of things to point out about yesterday’s Raw.  First off, it’s nice of the WWE to have both the WWE Champion and the World… […]

  2. The Art of Wrestling - I Want To Commit Suicide « Stunt Granny - 2009-03-06

    […] present in my lap by finally debutting the new shirts they had a preview of back when I posted this article.  I’ll look at all three in separate articles but wanted to start with the splashiest […]

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