Ari Gold Calling
Booker T seems to think that Hollywood is listening to his every accent on TNA according to this story on the oft used I hate to be the bearer of bad news Booker, but a whooping 1.7 million people tuned into iMPACT! this past week and I’m willing to bet that none of them live in Hollywood and if they do, they have less pull in the industry than TNA has in professional wrestling. Even if they weren’t watching, how can not remember his brilliant performance on “Charmed” when Scott Steiner carried all of the dialogue? Booker, stick by your phone, I’m sure Ari Gold will be calling soon. – Kevin
I hate to break it to you, but you have about 7 people reading this blog. Maybe you should close down shop too then? Stop the constant TNA bashing. Most the WWE roster are green wrestlers who aren’t even allowed to improv a line.