Matt Hardy Injured At Worst Possible Time
What shitty timing for Matt Hardy. Again, from , Matt Hardy broke his hand during his “I” Quit match with Jeff Hardy last night at Backlash. This is the worst possible time for Matt to be out with an injury. He is clearly on the biggest push of his career and he has to go and hurt himself. Yeah I am blaming him directly instead of Jeff because that’ how we roll here.
Supposedly he’ll be out a month but it just doesn’t sound like a broken hand should keep you out anything less than three months. Maybe they can pull the obligatory Cowboy Bob reference and have him wrestle with a broken arm for the rest of his career. You know, I want to make a funny about this but this really does pretty much suck. WWE finally had the opportunity to make a new main event star near immediately and it has blown up in their face for now. Maybe, just maybe it works out but you know will be plenty of dissenting voices saying “fuck Matt Hardy” and it’ll be right back down the ladder. -Jeremy
I am really glad that this will at least keep him out of a feud with “Smilin” MVP.
This can be a good thing, if he continues to make appearances and cutting promos, Matt can keep himself in the picture.
We’ll see.
well he has gotten fat cannot do what he used to do, and he will never get over tripple, cena or batista.
he is mid card face it. this brother storyline is messing up his push in my opinon, I mean their is no way my job would make me look like I set fire to my brothers home ,and all the other things, even if its not real. some fans take heart to this.
He sometimes even befor he had to become a heel rubbed fans the wrong way he has a snobbish way about him that jeff does not have.That does not mean I dislike him in any way its just the truth