The Art of Wrestling – Legacy
I thought the WWE should come up with a Legacy t-shirt and they delivered not long after but I’m finally getting around to breaking it down. Right now, it’s the highest selling shirt and second highest selling item to Trish Stratus’ action figure on
On to the front of the shirt, the main piece is the shield which is nice since it gives it a lineage feel seeing as though many European societies had a sheild as a crest with some form additional imagery to refine the prestige of said family. The shield is a nice bright yellow in the middle which helps to pop the burnt orange L. The light shining outward from the L is also a nice affect. The banner above the shield helps reinforce the olde tyme European look. The additional piece above the banner is a little much for me since the group is referred to simply as “Legacy” not “The Legacy”. It sounds as stupid as the schmucks from Ohio State who slapped “The” on the schools name. I’m not sure where exactly the flames motif comes from because Orton’s tattoos are of skulls and other random tribal inspired designs and Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase bring nothing to the table in that department. It does establish the colors for the shirt though which look great on the black background.
On the back, the WWE went even simpler and put “Born Better” in Gothic text, which is bad since the font on the front is different, and the flames as a background. The same star burst coloring is the same on the rear too which again constrats nicely with the text and the black of the shirt. I think Malcolm Gladwell might have a problem with the term “Born Better” though since his new book “Outliers” hypothesizes that one only needs to work for 10000 on a certain task to become a master of it.
The WWE keeps knocking these new shirts out of the park. Granted, I still haven’t bought one but the design is quite nice and not embarrassing at all if one was to wear it around town. – Kevin
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