Traci Brooks posed for Playboy, I’ll be back in 10 minutes

To be continued...
Have I already used that joke in the headline? Who cares. According to, Traci Brooks has posed for Playboy. No word yet on its shelf date (I would bet around Bound For Glory), but if this issue sells as well as TNA’s pay-per-views, then there will be 300 happy, smelly nerds when these pictures are released. Hugh Hefner just built a new wing onto his money bin. Hey, I’m all for chicks I see on a weekly basis getting naked, but let’s be honest, TNA fans have never offered proof that they’re made of money. You know these dweebs will just wait until one of their own buys a newsstand copy and ZIPs all the scans onto Mega Upload. I’m looking at you, Miqueli 🙂 -Eric
Posing for Playboy does not hold the prestige and glamor it used to hold. The word going around that Playboy is trying to sell the magazine on the hush and Hugh Hefner had to sign a new loan to continue to live in the Playboy Mansion. Hugh probably paid Traci $20,000. Also they got So Cal Val and Christi Hemme to strip for cash also. I would actually pay money to see Kelly Kelly naked not Chyna’s mini me Traci, Flat face Val, and Receding hairline Christi. If I want to look at fake, naked big breasts, there is the internet.