Angelina Love may return to TNA on Jan. 4 = erection

Hold on tight, Jan. 4 is gonna be a bumpy ride!
According to, there is a good chance Angelina Love will return to TNA this Monday for the “big” head-to-head iMPACT! Normally we don’t speculate like this… oh, who am I kidding, that’s all we do here, so we’re more than willing to report on reports of possibilities, especially when it’s the possibility of someone as bangin’ as Angelina Love coming back to our TV screens. I’m not gonna lie, she’s the main reason I would watch iMPACTAMUNDO! for 5-10 minutes every week, so I’ll happily watch the show this week… on Thursday when the dummies at TNA and Spike are supposed to replay it. -Eric
Even the Hulkster would lie down for that!