Genesis Preview (Text Edition)
I was ready to bash TNA for their shoddy build up for this pay per view in the audio context but I found an unwilling crew in the rest of my comrades. I can’t say I blame them. After watching the last half of iMPACT!, I’ve at least partially changed my mind. I still think they could have used a show last Thursday to capitalize on Hulk Hogan and everyone else showing up. TNA could have also pimped the regular time slot for iMPACT! along with building the storylines to the pay per view better. From what I saw though, they did a good job of setting up the matches and focusing on them with just this one show. On to the preview even if I’m not sure Dusty’s neighbor will get it tonight.
The Pope D’Angelo Dinero vs. Desmond Wolfe – I can’t believe they are having this match. First, they make Wolfe lose three straight major matches after his debut in TNA finishing with his loss to the Pope on the Monday iMPACT! so to make up for that gaffe they had Wolfe beat Samoa Joe this week. Way to fuck up three of your future stars all at one time guys. It should be an entertaining match and no matter who wins, someone is getting kicked down the ladder too soon in their push. Winner – Desmond Wolfe.
Sean Morley vs. Daniels – They did have a lengthy segment on iMPACT! to get this match on the card. Too bad that nobody gives a shit about either of these guys. Winner – Daniels.
Amazing Red vs. An Opponent to be announced – OK, maybe I should take back my commentary already. What a dumb concept. Whoever they use should lose. Not that anyone, including TNA, cares about the X Division no matter what Taz and Mike Tenay say. Winner – Amazing Red.
ODB vs. Tara – This match is for the Knockouts Title and a 2 out of 3 falls match. If they had built this feud up better, I might be looking forward to it. The Title changes back and forth have not helped. They did give them a decent little video package. I think ODB has the Title and Tara might be leaving for an MMA fight soon. – Winner – ODB.
The British Invasion vs. Matt Morgan & Hernandez – Any team challenging for the World Tag Team titles shouldn’t be in a throw away match that sets up Beer Money vs. Hall & Nash the week before a pay per view. For that matter, Morgan & Hernandez shouldn’t be a tag team. What a waste of build up for both of these guys. The British Invasion has been practically non-existant recently after much build up too. I rip on this company constantly and sometimes it takes a write up like this one makes me realize this company is run more poorly than even I think. Winner – Not the Fans.
Abyss vs. Bobby Lashley – Two guys that suck in the ring. Fabulous. Loser – You when you go to get more beer and kill brain cells to tolerate this crap.
Beer Money vs. Scott Hall & Kevin Nash – They did have a decent segment to set this match up. It could be a decent little feud if Beer Money goes over. I hope it’s not this pay per view though. My buddy Timmy realized after one small peek at TNA that Hall was out of shape so the quality of this match will suck since Nash is involved too. Winner – Hall & Nash.
The Debut of a Major Acquisition – At least they’re making you buy a pay per view to see a debut unlike them fucking up Tomko and Angelina Love debutting on free TV. Major Acquisition – Some old guy Stunt Granny could give a shit less about.
AJ Stlyes vs. Kurt Angle for the TNA World Heavyweight Title – It should be a good match but we just saw it on free TV a week and a half ago. TNA seems to feel that AJ is worth investing in. I see guys in Pro Wrestling Ohio that are worth more to invest in. If they’re attaching their plans to him, another win over an established name like Angle is the right way to go about it. They did have a nice video package with sit down interviews from both men after AJ and Angle closed out the broadcast in the ring so the push for the main event of Genesis was great. Winner – AJ Styles.
Is that Eve or Chris Masters in that Michelangelo?
Masters. Michelangelo didn’t exactly like the ladies.