Stunt Granny Audio #110

Join us next week on Monday Night Raw as Team Nexus performs Flight of the Bumble Bee...

Kevin and Dusty pilot this here edition of Stunt Granny Audio, and oh what an audio it is, folks. The fearless duo talk about TNA’s latest boneheaded move of signing Rob Van Dam to a match limit contract instead of a grown up person contract, and the ramifications of such a decision. The gang also tackles the WWE pay-per-view spectacular Summer Slam, and the following night’s Monday Night Raw program. Are they pushing Nexus properly? Are they really getting over? Or can different things be done to better help get them over? They talk about these things and more, before switching over to talk about their fantasy football league, which includes all the members of the Stunt Granny Universe. They talk strategy, picks that made them happy and picks that they might regret. All this and so much more, so just fucking listen and like it!

Stunt Granny Audio #110

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